Global Gateway Department

The target score is TOEIC? 800.
High level of English + business skills,
We nurture human resources who can play an active role in the international arena.

classification Course Title First year 2nd year Contents
early period Summer Intensive final Spring Intensive early period Summer Intensive final
compulsory subject English Courses English Usage 2 2 2 2 The goal is for everyone to surpass TOEIC? 800 points and pass the Practical English Proficiency Test Level 1. We condense and learn what is necessary to achieve results in a short period of time. The goal cannot be achieved without diligent daily efforts such as English vocabulary study and close reading.
Business Communication (Written )* 4 4 Students will learn how to write effective letters, understand and summarize reports, and read and analyze business documents.
Business Communication (Verbal )* 4 4 Learn to effectively communicate your ideas and opinions to others and develop presentation skills. Students will enhance their negotiation and persuasion skills and learn interpersonal communication.
Business Courses Entrepreneurship*. 2 2 2 2 You will learn the skill sets and mindset needed to start a business or innovate within a company. Students will also learn the financial, legal, and human resource basics necessary to start a business, but the emphasis will be on developing a flexible mindset to solve problems.
Japanese Communication 2 2 Students will learn the correct use of Japanese, including the difference between polite, respectful, and humble language, and the difference between spoken and written Japanese. Based on common sense, rules, and manners that one should acquire as a member of society, we will consider how to communicate smoothly in Japanese at the workplace.
Marketing*. 2 2 2 2 Marketing refers to all aspects of business problem solving, including market research, information analysis, planning, and advertising. Students learn the theory and practice of marketing through case studies in English and in conjunction with their graduation project.
Management* 2 2 2 2 This course is not a "business administration" course, but rather a study of leadership and followership in a company. Based on case studies, students will consider project management, human resource management, risk management, etc.
Start-Ups*. 2 2 Students learn about the laws and capital needed to start a venture company, preparing them for future entrepreneurship as well as deepening their knowledge of business management.
Economics* 2 2 Students will learn the basics of economics such as finance and stocks in English. Students will also learn about the concepts of supply and demand, national economic policies, income, etc. Finally, they will analyze economic events and their impact, and present their findings in English.
Accounting* 2 2 The goal is to be able to read the three basic financial tables of accounting in English: Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement, and Cash Flow Statement.
Engineering* 2 2 The goal of this course is to teach the basic principles and key concepts of engineering that can be applied to a variety of industries. From power generation to how 3D printers work, students will gain a deeper understanding of the world of engineering, which is familiar to many people.
Business Meeting*. 2 2 Students will learn useful English expressions for business meetings. Through role-plays of various meeting scenarios, participants will hone their problem-solving, decision-making, and negotiation persuasion skills.
programming 4 4 4 4 After learning the basics of IT literacy and the web, students will study for the Java? Programming Proficiency Exam, Oracle Certified Java Programmer, Bronze SE, which is the foundation of programming.
Graduation Project*. 2 2 Teams will plan an original business plan using what they have learned in their business-related classes. At the contest, they make a presentation in English to the judges.
Learning Courses Learning Strategies*. 2 2 2 2 In addition to developing individual study strategies, the program includes study counseling and special lectures by guest speakers.
elective subject or course 18 Students can choose and take classes from a selection of elective courses according to their own objectives and needs.


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