後期授業の形式について/Announcement of the Format of Lessons in the Second Term
English follows Japanese.
学長 宮内孝久
July 27, 2020
To all KUIS students, parents, and guardians:
Announcement of the Format of Lessons in the Second Term
Following the Government of Japan’s judgement that a large-scale outbreak of COVID-19 could be prevented, the state of emergency declaration was lifted and many economic activities have resumed. However, the future of this pandemic is still uncertain, and infections continue to increase in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Considering that effective treatments and vaccines for the Coronavirus are still unavailable, our priority in choosing a format for the second academic term was to protect the health of our students, faculty, and staff, as well as the health of their families and community members, while continuing to provide the highest possible quality of education. Therefore, it has been determined that the second academic term beginning on Monday, September 14th will be conducted through online lessons.
Some classes which require the use of on-campus equipment and facilities will be held on campus, subject to mandatory infection-prevention measures (avoiding the 3 Cs: closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings; practicing social distancing, wearing masks, using disinfectant provided on campus, etc.). Students who have difficulty commuting to the campus, or wish to avoid participating in in-person lessons, will have the option of taking these classes online. These lessons will be designed so that the decision to take a class online will not impact a student’s grades, or give students a disadvantage.
Furthermore, while students were asked to attend their classes from off-campus during the first term, in the second term students will be allowed to virtually attend their classes from designated medium- or large-sized classrooms on campus. Any students wishing to take their classes from an on-campus classroom will be required to comply with the infection prevention measures mentioned above, as well as limitations on the number of students allowed in each classroom, mandatory temperature and ID checks upon entering campus, and recording their arrival and departure times. A separate announcement about the format (online or in-person) of individual classes will be posted to the university website and CampusWeb at the end of August.
In shifting all of our classes online with limited time for faculty and staff to prepare, we understand that many students experienced difficulties or were inconvenienced during the first term. However, thanks in large part to the feedback we received, our faculty and staff were able to work together to improve the quality of our online lessons. We hope to build on our experiences from the first term to keep improving the quality of our education in the second term.
Should conditions improve dramatically, the university may consider allowing additional online classes to be held on-campus, or in a combined online/in-person format, following a comprehensive evaluation of the conditions. Any further changes to the implementation of lessons or regulations surrounding student entry to the campus will be announced on the university website and CampusWeb, etc., so please be sure to visit these pages regularly for the latest information.
We are aware that our policies will not be satisfactory to all. Regardless, we ask for your support as we continue to work together with students, faculty, and staff to implement informed responses and minimize disadvantages to students.
Takahisa Miyauchi
President, Kanda University of International Studies
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