

本学施設利用の段階的緩和について/Regarding the university’s plan to lift facility access restrictions in phases



学長 宮内孝久



5月25日に本学所在地の千葉県においても緊急事態宣言が解除されたことを受け、キャンパス入構禁止を段階的に解除し、「New Normal」を皆様と一緒に創造していきたいと考えます。先ずは、6月上旬を目処に図書館及びキャリア教育センターの一部利用を再開致します(詳細は別途お知らせします)。その後、メディアプラザ、ASC、SALC、ELI、MULCを順次オープンする予定です。詳細はホームページおよびCampusWebにて通知致します。


5月13日に発表した「新型コロナウィルス感染症の拡大にともなう学生支援」で申し上げたことの繰り返しになりますが、本学は新型コロナウィルス感染症の脅威に決して屈しないために、新しい価値を創造するための機会として、「Innovation KUIS 2020」 をスローガンにデジタル化による新しい学習手法や技法を開発、そして環境整備に取り組んでおります。この人類の英知が試される重大局面に、皆様と一緒に新しい価値を創造していきましょう。


May 27, 2020

To all KUIS students, parents and guardians

Regarding the university’s plan to lift facility access restrictions in phases

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our students, parents, and guardians for their understanding and cooperation in the measures the university has taken due to the declaration of a state of emergency as a prevention of the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

On May 25, the declaration of a state of emergency for Chiba Prefecture, where our university is located, has also been lifted and we are considering gradually loosening the current campus access restrictions, by creating a “New Normal”. As a first step, the library and career center will resume parts of their services from early June (details to be announced at a later time). After that, we are considering opening Media Plaza, ASC, SALC, ELI, and MULC one by one. Details will be announced on the university homepage and Campus Web.

Even though the state of emergency declaration has been lifted, we shall continue to be in a difficult and uncertain situation with no definite prospect of when we can get back to normal again, until an effective and safe vaccine or curative medicine has been developed. There are other issues such as how to avoid “3 C’s” in a classroom environment. It is also expected that the second and third waves of infection spread will come. Therefore, we have made the decision to continue providing classes online throughout the first semester as we would like to give top priority to protecting the health and safety of all KUIS students, parents, and guardians.

As we have mentioned in the statement, “Regarding student support due to the spread of new coronavirus disease (COVID-19)” issued on May 13, in order not to give in to the threat of the new coronavirus disease, we have been working to develop new learning methods and techniques. These have included digital solutions and improvements to learning environments under the slogan, “Innovation KUIS 2020”. Let us work together to get through these testing times.

Please continue to refrain from any nonessential and non-urgent outings. Let us continue to take basic preventative measures such as avoiding the “3 C’s”; maintaining physical distance; wearing a mask, and washing your hands, in reference to the guidance on “Announcement of New Lifestyle Related to the Novel Coronavirus” (available in Japanese)

Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies