188bet体育_188bet体育在线@の学費に関する考え方について/Kanda University of International Studies’ Policy on Tuition
学長 宮内孝久
※ 4月30日(木)「オンライン授業開始のご報告と皆様へのお願い/Report on the start of online classes and a request to everyone」はこちら
「学外宿泊キャンプ費」は、本学関連施設のブリティッシュ?ヒルズで実施する、1年次の「Freshman Orientation Camp」、および2年次の「Sophomore Winter Camp」に要する費用であり、すでに参加した経験のある在学生のみなさんであれば、よく内容がお分かりいただけるかと思います。本学では、この1泊2日で実施する2つの行事を、学生のみなさんがキャンパスと異なる場所で寝食をともにし、教職員や先輩学生と有意義なコミュニケーションを図ることで、豊かな人間形成につなぐことのできる重要な場であると考えています。188bet体育_188bet体育在线@感染症の拡大が収まらず、2020年度中に実施できなかった場合は、2021年度以降に実施する方向でおります。
1. 全学生を対象に、「Innovation KUIS 奨学金」として一律5万円を支給します。
2. 一定の条件を満たす経済的困窮者を対象とする、本学独自の給付型奨学金制度を新たに設け、経済的支援を行ないます。
3. 本学独自のアルバイトの機会を検討し、提供します。
4. 2020年度の学費の納入期限を、大幅に延長します。
5. 「認定留学」を途中で切り上げざるを得なかった学生に対し、「国外留学奨学金」の返還を免除し、給付します。
6. 総合的学生相談窓口を設置し、全面的に在学生をサポートします。
May 13, 2020
To all KUIS students, parents and guardiansKanda University of International Studies’ Policy on Tuition
The spread of the new coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19) has resulted in inability to use the facilities on campus and to change the class delivery to online. We have received various inquiries on tuition and requests to reduce the tuition. First of all, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your valuable comments.
Based on your comments, we shall provide an explanation as shown below on how Kanda University of International Studies considers its tuition and why, in principle, the university will not reduce the tuition across the board.
Costs related to classes, in the case of undergraduate students, are set based on the total number of credits required for graduation, within 4 years, or 8 semesters. This "total amount" is then divided and you are requested to make the payment each semester. The tuition is the same for each semester, regardless of the number of credits registered. This is why no additional tuition is levied even if more credits than required for graduation are obtained, nor do we refund the tuition even if you failed to meet the required grades to obtain a credit.
In addition, there are some people who have shown concerns that the quality of lessons will be compromised with the shift to online classes due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. We would like to assure you that the value of credits will be guaranteed regardless of how the lessons are delivered.
As announced on Thursday, April 30, on the university homepage, after making the decision to switch all classes online, both teaching and administrative staff have committed almost a month in preparation for this shift, with the primary objective of not compromising the quality of education or omitting any content. As a result of this, we are happy to inform you that the classes are being held without major problems.
To further improve our online classes, we will be conducting questionnaires to all our students to confirm whether the university is providing high-quality classes and whether there have been any issues with the internet connections. We will continue to do our utmost to draw upon the expertise of the university in ensuring high-quality lessons are provided, and high learning outcomes are achieved. We would like all of our students to proactively participate in online classes and to improve their digital literacy to enhance their learning.
※Please refer to “Report on the start of online classes and a request to everyone” posted on Thursday, April 30
〇Facility costs
Facilities (including equipment) are assets that are provided and enhanced by everyone who attends our university. Expenses are needed on an ongoing basis to maintain and manage facilities such as university buildings, classrooms, the library, Media Plaza, SALC, MULC, ASC, the gymnasium, etc. In other words, the costs that current students pay are not considered to be a “facility usage fee”. As with tuition, the total amount of facility costs is divided into payments for each semester. This translates as a fixed amount and regardless of the frequency of use, all students are offered the same opportunity to make use of the university facilities.
In addition, the current facilities have been provided based on the costs paid by our past graduated students. It does not mean that at any given time, students pay for particular facilities.
〇Others (student association fee, Ishizue alumni membership fee, off-campus accommodation camp fee)
“Student association fee” refers to expenses for the activities and operations for students’ extracurricular activities and the student self-governing organization called the “Student Association” (such as club activities, Hamakaze festival committee, election management committee, graduation party committee and yearbook committee, etc.). “Ishizue alumni membership fee” is the cost required for the activities and operations for “Kanda Gaigo Ishizue Alumni Group” which is formed by the alumnis of Kanda University of International Studies, Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages and Kanda Gaigo Group.
The “off-campus accommodation camp fee” is the expense required to conduct “Freshman Orientation Camp” during students’ freshman year and “Sophomore Winter Camp” during their sophomore year. For those who have experience of participating in either or both, we are sure you are familiar with the contents of them. We regard these two separate overnight events, held at British Hills, a different location from university campus, as a valuable opportunity to have meaningful communication with the teaching staff and senior students. Should the spread of the new coronavirus disease not be brought under control and result in not being able to conduct the camps within the 2020 academic year, we shall consider holding them within the 2021 academic year or after.
Regarding the six student support measures with the spread of the new coronavirus disease.
Based on the aforementioned views, in principle, Kanda University of International Studies will not be reducing its tuition due to the spread of the new coronavirus disease. However, as we have explained in “Regarding student support due to the spread of new coronavirus disease (COVID-19)”, we will do our best to provide the six support measures to our KUIS students.
〔The six student support measures due to the spread of the new coronavirus disease〕
1. A 50,000 yen “Innovation KUIS scholarship” will be given to each student.
2. A new scholarship system unique to KUIS will be established to provide financial support for those who are economically disadvantaged and meet certain conditions.
3. Part-time job opportunities unique to KUIS will be considered and offered.
4. The payment deadline for 2020 academic year tuition will be extended significantly.
5. Students who had to cut short their accredited study abroad will be exempted from returning the “Overseas Study Scholarship”.
6. A general student support service will be available to all our current KUIS students.
Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies
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