オンライン授業開始のご報告と皆様へのお願い/Report on the start of online classes and a request to everyone
学長 宮内孝久
本学は在学生全員がiPadを所持し、通常の対面授業でも使用していたため、 オンライン授業を開講する環境が一定程度整っておりましたが、在学生、保護者の皆様の更なるご理解とご協力により ご自宅での通信環境も整えて頂き、予定どおり授業を開始できましたことを先ずは心より感謝申し上げます。
April 30, 2020
To all KUIS students, parents and guardians:
Report on the start of online classes and a request to everyone
The university started offering classes online from Monday, April 27. After making the decision to switch all classes online, both teaching and administrative staff have committed almost a month in preparation for this shift, with the primary objective of not compromising the quality of education and classes. We are happy to inform you that the courses are being held without major problems.
As all our students have iPads and have been using them in regular face-to-face classes as well, the environment for offering classes online was already in place. However, we must first express our deepest gratitude for your understanding and cooperation to all our students, parents, and guardians in the setting up of suitable environments within your individual homes which allowed us to start classes as planned.
Even now, there is no indication that the situation of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is being brought under control, and furthermore, the state of emergency is likely to be extended. Under such circumstances, we are considering specific measures for students who are in need of living support or who are experiencing difficulties in studying. Details will be announced through the university homepage as soon as they have been decided.
Almost one week has passed since the online classes started. We understand that this unfamiliar situation may be far from ideal. In order to offer the highest quality education possible, we will be conducting questionnaires to gather input from students related to their experiences with online classes and whether there have been any problems with internet connections. We would appreciate your participation in answering the questionnaire.
The university will continue to make all possible efforts in providing high-quality lessons and making the utmost efforts to ensure high learning outcomes. For the time being, we are taking urgent measures such as prohibiting entry to the campus, but the SALC, ASC and the MULC have started to offer online learning support, and the library has started an electronic material browsing service. We would appreciate it if many of our students would make use of these services.
Now, it is a trying time for humankind which can also be said to be a turning point in history. What is most important is to encourage our students to think deeply about the world with a sense of ownership as adults in this civil society. It is at this time that it is necessary to recognize the value and purpose of learning a foreign language and consider coexistence with people from all over the world. We hope that all our students, parents, and guardians will work together with our teaching and administrative staff in facing the challenges during this difficult time.
Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies
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