188bet体育_188bet体育在线@5年度の188bet体育_188bet体育在线@感染症予防対策について/Basic Preventative Measures Against the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections for AY 2023
① 基本的な感染対策は継続する。
② 発熱に限らず、咽頭痛や咳等、普段と異なる症状のある場合は登校を控える。学内で体調が悪くなった場合は、無理をせず帰宅する。
March 24, 2023
Basic Preventative Measures Against the Spread of
New Coronavirus Infections for AY 2023
Kanda University of International Studies has been taking measures to prevent infection in order to maintain school life. The Japanese government has announced its policy to downgrade the legal status of the new coronavirus on May 8 to “Class 5”, the same as seasonal influenza. However, considering the school environment where many people gather, we will continue to take basic measures.
① Maintaining basic infection prevention measures
② Regardless of whether you have a fever or not, do not come to school should you have any symptoms such as a sore throat, headache or cough. If you fell ill on campus, you are encouraged to go home.
Preventive measures are subject to change based on future government policies and trends in the world.
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