188bet体育_188bet体育在线@感染症の状況に応じた本学の対応について/University Response to the Current State of Coronavirus Infections
English follows Japanese.
学長 宮内 孝久
University Response to the Current State of Coronavirus Infections
April 28, 2021
Kanda University of International Studies
Takahisa Miyauchi, President
To all KUIS students, parents, and guardians:
Our university has been implementing a variety of measures intended to prevent the spread of Coronavirus infections. Additionally, with the understanding and cooperation of students, parents, and guardians, we have been able to prevent the spread of infections on our campus. However, the vaccine rollout is progressing slowly, and we have entered a new phase where more infectious mutations of the virus have emerged.
Therefore, we have developed the “Table of Procedures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19” (hereafter “Operations Table”), so that we may continue providing high-quality education, regardless of the circumstances. Hereafter, we will make decisions and respond to changes in Coronavirus conditions based on the table, and on the advice of local and national governments. Presently, there are no changes in how classes will be implemented in the new academic year, with policies corresponding to the part highlighted in yellow in the Operations Table (for more information, please refer to the 21 January post on our homepage, “Regarding the Policy on Classes in 2021”)
If there is a change in the university’s response, information will be posted both to CampusWeb and the university homepage, so please be sure to check back regularly for updates.
Presently, infections are spreading amongst people in their twenties at a greater rate than in other age groups. It has also been suggested that asymptomatic carriers in younger generations may be spreading infections to older generations without knowing it. The new mutation can be severe even in young people, with symptoms such as headaches and a distorted sense of taste, with some reports of cases of long-term symptoms.
Please note that we have not ruled out the possibility of returning to all-online learning to prevent the spread of infections. We humbly ask for your continued cooperation and understanding of our response measures.
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