2021年度の学内施設の利用について/Campus Facilities Usage in Academic Year 2021
English translation will follow after Japanese.
各施設の利用時間は Campus Web トップページ(ログイン前)のInformationをご確認ください。
- マスクを着用の上でお越しください。
- キャンパスへの入構時には、検温をします。体温が37.5度以上の方は入構できません。
- 各施設への入館にあたっては、手指の消毒をお願いします。
- 各施設内では、人と人との距離を確保するため、利用できる席を限定しています。
Campus Facilities Usage in Academic Year 2021
First, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all KUIS students, parents, and guardians for your understanding and continued cooperation regarding our Coronavirus response measures.
As a precaution against the new coronavirus infection, we have been restricting students' access to the university. ln the academic year of 2021, we will resume face-to-face lectures, and this restriction will be lifted on April 2. From now on, there is no need to make a reservation in advance to enter the university. However, all buildings will be closed on Saturdays during the spring break until April 18, except for Media Plaza opening on April 3. We will continue to check temperatures at the entrance and record your entry, so please make sure you bring your student ID with you. Those who are not affiliated with the university will not be allowed to enter the building without prior notification.
Please note that on April 1 (Thu), due to the entrance ceremony, no students other than those related to the alumni guidance will be allowed to enter the campus.
The cafeteria will be open from 11:00 to 14:00 on weekdays (11:00 to 13:30 on Saturdays at Lapaz only), and meals will be served at Lapaz, Shokujin and Balcone, and boxed lunches will be sold at the KUIS Cafe. In order to prevent infection, we have designated areas where students can eat, and we are in the process of installing acrylic panels and antibacterial treatment of the facilities so that more students can feel more comfortable. Information on where you can eat will be posted on CampusWeb.
Please check the CampusWeb Information for the detailed information.
Requests for Students:
- Please wear a mask when you come to campus.
- All students entering campus will be subject to temperature checks. (Entry will not be permitted if you have a fever of 37.5° Celsius or above.)
- When entering campus buildings, please use hand sanitizer.
- To ensure social distancing measures, seating has been partially restricted.
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