後期授業開始に向けて/At the Start of the Second Term
English follows Japanese.
学長 宮内 孝久
September 11, 2020
To all KUIS students, parents, and guardians:
At the Start of the Second Term
It appears that the second academic term has arrived without a significant decline in novel coronavirus infections.
Many students remain concerned about the risk of infection, and some may also feel apprehensive about continuing classes in an online setting.
As we announced through our university homepage on July 27, classes in the second term will be conducted primarily online. During the first semester, students, staff, and teachers were wary and anxious about the transition to online learning, but by sharing our knowledge and collaborating to problem-solve, we were able to overcome many obstacles to reach the end of the term. To ensure that our online lessons were of a quality comparable to in-person learning, we conducted surveys every 5 weeks to collect feedback on student satisfaction, and to ascertain areas which needed improvement. These surveys allowed faculty and staff to integrate student comments and suggestions into online programs.
We see it as a great loss that, at a university where we pride ourselves on small class sizes and the close rapport between faculty and students, we were unable to offer classes on campus during the first term. However, with great consideration given to the implementation of infection prevention measures, the university will offer the opportunity for some online classes to meet in-person a few times during the second term. We have also completed several steps in our plan to reopen the campus to students. Furthermore, as many cellular providers concluded their student support programs in August, provisions have been made to allow students to attend online classes from designated classrooms on campus. And finally, in an effort to provide opportunities for students seeking virtual part-time work, the university is planning a program to hire KUIS students as online classroom assistants.
In this era of “With Corona” and “After Corona,” we have seen the advent of many new possibilities in online learning, which may have lessened the value we assign to in-person experiences. As offerings of online goods and services continue to expand, we must re-evaluate how “real-life” experiences can create added value. As the circumstances continue to change, Kanda University of International Studies remains steadfast in our commitment to adjust our learning environment as needed to support all students to the greatest extent of our abilities.
Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies
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